Professional manufacturer of water sports apparel

Sheico Group

Sheico began in 1968 making raincoats and rubber boots, they made their first wetsuit in 1980’s and now, over 4 decades later they are the wetsuit manufacturer market leader!

Tiki Surf Ltd partnered with the industry’s most reputable wetsuit manufacturer, over 20 years ago. They offer innovative product development and comprehensive design services and are at the core of our wetsuit and accessories production process. As well as being Fairtrade certified, Sheico provides Blue Sign certified dyeing practices in addition to a whole range of innovative, Eco- friendly technologies – Doped-dye yarn, recycled polyester, Eco carbon black, water-based glue, neoprene recycling process, and limestone neoprene.

We continue to work closely with the Sheico team to make our wetsuits as durable and sustainable as they can be, without compromising on performance.

One of the key points on Tiki wetsuits is the material and build quality. The combination of these two elements ensures our wetsuits have the longest possible life span and in turn, further lowering each wetsuits
environmental impact.

Tiki wetsuits, ZEPHA, TECH, ADV and neoprene accessories collection are produced by the best for the best!